Thursday, June 11, 2009

Enjoy Finger Puppets?

If you do, then you are among the many who have decided that using finger puppets is a cheap easy way of entertaining people. I have many friends who have been into puppetry and they say that finger puppets make a great start and are very easy to order entire sets and just start right away. I've seen some great plays with finger puppets and I've got to say that when you do finger puppets it becomes easier to use other puppets as well. There is just a familiarty that you have and it makes the whole ordeal a lot easier.

Some of my favorite plays have been disney finger puppets, and you can recreate the entire movie, where some people even go as far as writing a little basic script and following it. Not the entire script word for word, but just the important parts. Who knows, with the invention of youtube maybe more people will setup little stages and see what happens from there.

The point is, if you want a cheap, or even free in some cases way to have fun and use puppets then find some puppets for your fingers and see if it's for you. If not, you can go always go another route and start finding other types of puppets too.

Get a dragon puppet, or a dog puppet and the limits are just how much time and effort you want to spend on it, which fortunately doesn't take much!

Decorating your home with spiral staircase kits.